Best Chicken Coop Nesting Ideas
As a hen keeper, it is an important thing to know which type of nest box is best for your hens. Nesting boxes are made to protect the hen and their eggs from outdoor endangerments. Chicken and their eggs are important for fertility so, hen keepers do their best to protect them. Intro:
Nesting boxes are important in areas where there is a large number of chicken coops. But this thing is not necessary if you have a small amount but you want to make nesting boxes it is easy to make from scratch. Here, we discuss the best ideas to make a chicken coop nesting box. Chicken nesting box plans:
Nesting boxes typically provide protection as well as rest to your hen. But finding out the best way to provide facilities to your hen is quite easy. There are many forms of nesting boxes that can facilitate your poultry from.
1. Wooden Chicken Box
Wooden boxes are much more reliable for placing chicken coops. They are easy to make and safe to use. This is the easiest method if you have a tight budget and want to make a chicken coop nesting box.
2. Pail Nesting Box
This is another easiest method for making chicken coop nesting boxes. If you have old pails or buckets in your home you can merge them and make a beautiful nesting box for your chickens. Here you can see how easy it is to make chicken coop nesting boxes.
3. Homely Nesting Box
Here is another unique method for decorating the existing nest box. If you already have a nesting box and it is in a rough form then you can simply decorate it with fabrics. You simply made curtains on boxes and it will give a nice look. This is a simple form of the rustic chicken coop nesting box.
4. Crucible Nesting Box
This is a simple and easiest box if you have a large number of chickens but a tight budget. You just simply buy plastic bowls and put them in a safe place where your chickens easily get access and can lay eggs. This is the plastic bowl method for making a nesting box.
5. Recycled Nesting Box
If you have a creative mind you can easily get ideas for making things. Old and useless things can become useful by recycling them. If you have a broken or old television in your home you can convert it into the chicken coop nesting box. If you have old plastic bags or any other plastic thing you can convert them into nesting boxes with little effort. See how simple it is to make a box.
6. Plastic Storage Pot
Things made by plastic are easily recoverable but if not you can make many other things by them. Plastic storage pot is available in every home. You can use it for making nesting boxes. You do not need to make any DIY from it. Simply pick it up and place it where the hen used to lay.7: Bookshelf as a Nesting Box This sounds crazy but it is also one of the best and cheapest ideas for making a nesting box. You can place old bookshelves at the place of chickens and they can easily find them. It is an effective idea in the winter season because it gives them Sunshine. It is also useful in summer as it gives air etc.
7. Large Tire Nesting Box
The tires of large vehicles are too big. If they become useless You can use them as a nesting box for your chickens. You cut them off if they are new but if they are old and already used you can use them as such. These tires serve as nesting boxes if use them wisely. See how easy it is to use them.
8. Chest of Drawers
you can use an old dressing table as your nesting box for chickens. It can also provide plenty of purposes. It provides shade and darkness which are weak points of laying of hens
9. Alloy Nesting Box
Here is another great idea for making a nesting box if you are willing to spend some money. You can make a nesting box you can use steel or any other metal. This is the best idea because it is easy for the owner to clean or sanitize the steel.If it is placed in the dark it also provides cooling.
10. Large Space Ringed Box
If you have plenty of chickens but have small space you can adjust them all in that place. Pick a place with a roof and put metal rings around it as walls. Now push all the chickens into it. They can live easily.
11. Hijacker Nesting Box:
Here is another simple method for making a temporary nesting box. If you have a broken bucket you simply put some grass in it and the nest is ready. Chickens would lay eggs there and after that, they go to their place.
12. Nesting Cushions
Nesting cushions are easily available and are very useful for laying hens. You can simply place them and when a chicken lays you can pick it.
13. Ready-Made Nesting Box:
If you are so busy and do not have enough time to make boxes, You can easily buy them. Artificial boxes are provided with a lot of facilities. They are also water-resistant. Prevent chickens from dangerous animals. Chickens remain very comfortable in them.
14. Rolled out Nesting Box
They are also ready-made boxes. You can buy them from any poultry store. They serve just like the drawers of the dressing table. You can pick eggs by rolling out the boxes.
15. Flowerpot Nesting Box
If you have old and empty flowering pots, you can connect them together or in aligning position or in a position which you want and they serve for you as a nesting box for your chickens. The best facility is that they are portable for you. You can place them anywhere you want.
16. Artificial Wooden Coop:
Woods are an important part of our life. You can make and use many things from it. For Your chicken, the artificial wooden coop is also present. You can buy and use them easily.
17. Greenhouse Nesting Box
It is a great idea to put your chickens in a greenhouse-type box. They are also available in the market. They take time to build them by own. So it is wise to buy them from any poultry shop and provide your birds a heat-free environment.
18. DIY Nesting Box
There is a lot of DIY ideas to make nesting boxes. You can use any old plastic or rubber thing. Just mold it into the form you want. Just look around your home and you can find plenty of things to make boxes for your chickens.
19. Modern Nesting Box
you can make or buy modern nesting boxes with little effort. If you want to make it you would have to find a creative idea, some money, and a suitable place and of course a lot of time. But if you buy it, it simply takes money and can serve many purposes. Modern nesting boxes look very pretty and attract chickens.
20. Nesting box in 10 minutes:
You can make a simple triangular nesting box with just 3 wooden slides. You can join them in triangular shape and the middle of them can serve as a nesting boxes for your chickens.
Posted: 27 Feb 2021

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Nice Ideas👍🏻 Keep it Up!
(1472 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes ago)