Homes for every Budget : Tips to Build your Dream House

Individually, we all want to live in a nice home where we can call home with a fully furnished interior. What then can we refer to as a home? According to the Oxford Dictionary, it is stated to be one’s place; the house or structure in which one lives especially the house where one’s family resides too. Either building new or renovating an existing one, it is a journey of discovering who you are, what you love, how you want to live, and where you love to be. It is also a chance to define your choice in front of the world, your family, and yourself.

Let’s look at the steps in the right order to build your dream home.


1. Know your budget:

Knowing your income and planning your budget is vital in the effort to building a home. Once you’re able to plan a budget that is suitable for you after considering advice from your family or your partner if you are married, your success is sure. When planning your budget, include everything that will be needed for the project; the cost of the land, local fees, taxes, structure, engineering fees, furniture, decoration, and probably adding more than enough, at 10% extra to avoid lack of fund after exhaustion of available fund. A spreadsheet program such as Excel is a good tool for planning a budget, you can still make changes as the project is yet to commence.


2. Have a specific building structure:

After sorting out your budget, think carefully about a specific building structure that suits your budget. You can decide the structure of a tiny house on wheels like those found in California and other cities. This will facilitate your specific choice of the building which can stand the test of time if carefully chosen. The structure can also be reinvented from an existing building or a new structure entirely with exterior walls, roof, elevator shaft, structural floor, and other ones.


3. Consider the environment:

Picking a conducive environment for your house is essential for future purposes so you don’t fall prey to a poor environment either through bad drainage, poor electricity, lack of water supply, industrial noise, and others. Before making a decision on the environment of your choice, different strategies should be carried out to maintain the right choice.


4. Purchase land:

After considering the environment that suits you best, get a land either from a tiny house builder nearby or from a company having small homes for sales which you can reinvent to your taste or building from scratch which might be stressful or too expensive. Transform the old building if buying a land having a building on it by changing the roof, replacing the front door, upgrading the exterior, or making a significant change to your choice.


5. Never mind the cost, mind the quality:

While building your dream home, the quality of contractors and building materials should be of paramount importance to both you and your family. The cost of buying building equipment should not be divided so as to have a great outcome which will be encouraging if the building is able to stand the test of time. The quality of the hired contractors should be assessed. Being penny-wise and going for cheap materials or inferior ones could well cost you more in the long run. It is important to hire reputable contractors considering recommendations and not going by that given on c.v.


6. Enjoy your home:

After months of planning and executing the plans for a home, do not forget to work on the permit to occupy your home and also add in some decorations and complete your home's look. Apparently, in the end, you will be surprised that your newly built home is worth more than the sum of just a two-bed room, living room, and other available rooms, it is a place you call home and it’s always yours.

Posted: 02 Mar 2021

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Nice Article 👍🏻 Keep Writing.
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