How to Resolve The Streaming Errors?

While cutting the TV cord can save you money, it also increases the number of possible breakdown points. A technician adds one of their company's set-top boxes to your TV with cable or satellite TV, and everything works normally. When streaming video, you must consider internet speed, Wi-Fi connectivity, your streaming device's capabilities, and your specific streaming services, each of which has its own set of reliability concerns.


 All of this involves troubleshooting if you encounter an error like streaming errors or poor video quality. Instead of attempting solutions at random, it's essential to follow a set of actions to pinpoint the source of the problem. Many streaming services provide live coverage and contact support, such as Hulu, Netflix, and more, but sometimes Netflix or Hulu generates streaming errors. Consider this method (given below) the definitive step-by-step strategy to resolve buffering and other issues with streaming video:


Restart Everything


"Have you considered switching it off and on?" says the narrator. Yes, that old piece of advice certainly applies to cord-cutting. Check whether the issues are resolved by restarting your modem, router, and a streaming device. For good measure, consider deleting and reinstalling the offending software.


Know your Internet Speed


Without fast internet access, streaming video can be difficult, so I recommend subscribing to data speeds of at least 15 Mbps for each TV you plan to use at the same time. For example, if two TVs are streaming simultaneously, your internet provider should be able to give download speeds of at least 30 Mbps.

Proceed to the following step if you have adequate internet service. However, to update your internet speed, contact your internet service provider.



Try a different streaming service


Try streaming from a distinct video source to check if the streaming error persists before running connection tests. Move on to the next step if Netflix and YouTube are sharp and play smoothly. Otherwise, contact the offending streaming provider and express your dissatisfaction, noting that you've had no problems with other services. If the problems persist, you might need to switch to a different service.


Check your streaming device's connection speed


Run a speed test on your streaming device to see if it's having connectivity issues by following the instructions below for whichever device you're using. We recommend repeating each speed test several times to find the most consistent results:

Android TV:  Although, go to the Google Play Store and download and run NetSpeed Test. Then select "Got it," followed by "Test Download Speed." To dismiss the full-screen pop-up ad and check your findings, use the back button on your remote.

If your speed test results consistently show a 10 Mbps or higher speed, you can rule out connection speed as the source of the problem and move on. 


Check your modem's connection speed


Before you investigate your router's Wi-Fi connectivity, be sure your internet modem isn't the source of the poor connection. The modem may be separate from your wireless router and connected by a cable from an exterior wall. If you have a router that doubles as a modem and Wi-Fi router, or if you're renting a router from your internet provider, skip to the following step.


Check your Wi-Fi router's connection speed


Considering that your broadband speeds are OK, but your streaming devices are poor, your wireless router could probably be the weak link.

Run a speed test on a phone or computer within a few feet of your streaming device to assess the connection. (Again, googling "speed test" and then pressing the blue "Run Speed Test" button will suffice.) For a seamless streaming experience, the figures under "Mbps download" should be at least 10 Mbps.




We've fixed issues with your specific streaming services, internet speeds, and connection strength. Upgrade to a new Fire TV, Apple TV, Netflix, Android TV device, or Chromecast at this point, especially if the one you're utilizing is more than a few years old. Perhaps you've had bad luck with broken gear, or there could be a compatibility issue between your new streaming device and the old gadget. After a long day of troubleshooting, check out our guide that shows the easy and simple process to fix the streaming errors and stay updated with the newly emerging techniques.



Posted: 20 Oct 2021

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