Six Years have passed but the time never seems to move on. We are still stuck in the hell loop which was created not by Lucifer, but by us, Humans.
On December 16, 2014, our whole nation was scarred by terrorists when they attacked APS, Peshawar. The lives of innocent children and teachers and many others were taken from them brutally. That day, we witnessed one of the worst incidents of terrorism in the entire history of the world. It was genocide, not only of lives but of humanity, rights, innocence, and bright futures.
On that day, 148 lives were taken from us and I believe that they will be in Heaven, enjoy eternal bliss and that is all the hope we have to control our tears because we are all believers. Children are also referred to as Angels and sooner or later, they have to return to Heaven and play in its gardens but the way they were taken from was shockingly vile. They were murdered brutally; shot in the head; their dead bodies were maltreated. Their deadheads were rammed into walls that burst them open and the walls of classrooms that were decorated with beautiful drawings and poems were painted with the blood of innocent children.
I don’t know what kind of human on Earth can do that. How can we, the best creation of Allah Almighty wreak such havoc? How can we even call ourselves Humans? How can someone kill innocent children that had their whole lives to live? The children who were the architects of our nation were killed mercilessly and we couldn’t do anything about that.
They say that time heals all wounds but I think this wound will never be healed, not for the ones who were affected by that brutality. For us, time is still flawed. We all are still stuck on that 16 December when our loved ones left for school and never came back. Imagine a mother cooking her son’s favorite dish and then finding out later that her son is no more. Would it not kill her? Imagine a boy who didn’t want to go to school but his mother forced him and he died. That mother will still be cursing herself. Even imagining that makes me fall apart and to those it happened, I am speechless about them. I mean there are no words that can alleviate their pain.
It wasn’t only 148 lives that were taken from us. That incident took a lot more than that. Every life connected to those 148 beautiful lives died that day or a part of them was lost forever. The ones who survived still suffer from Anniversary Reaction. Their lives go dark as 16 December approaches. The incident has given them a scar so deep that can never be removed.
I am still unable to understand what the worth of taking all those beautiful lives was. Was it Power that blinded them? Was it Fear they wanted to spread? Was their purpose tearing us down and crushing our souls? Whatever they wanted to do, it wasn’t worth that and they didn’t succeed.
We may have been broken into a billion pieces but we put them together in a better way. They may have blasted a place but we rose from ashes like a Phoenix. We, as a nation defeated them.
I still ask myself a question, “Will we ever be the same?”
No, we will never be the same, we will be better. We all have to live life to its fullest for it is not only ourselves we are living for. We have to fulfill not only our dreams but their dreams as well.
They will always stay in our hearts and their spirit will always live among us. Those martyrs will live forever and those evil terrorists will burn in the fiercest fires of hell for all eternity.
They may have left us but they will never be forgotten, not today, not in a hundred years, not ever.
Posted: 16 Dec 2020

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