Why Using a Courier Booking System is Smart?
Courier companies, by their very nature, have very complex operations. These operations involve a number of different departments and sub-departments, some of which you may not be aware exist. For example, when handling freight or inventory for a courier company, the transport and logistics department may oversee the shipment of goods or the storage of inventory.
This is a very specialized area that should only be handled by experts in this field. However, when a courier company has several branches in different areas of the country or even around the world, then how can they possibly keep track of employee details, sales figures, and delivery information?
What if No Courier Booking System?
Managing these departments using a manual system is too inefficient. For example, if one courier branch is experiencing trouble with orders, how is the whole fleet going to be affected? Is there a way to know which delivery management system department is responsible for this particular problem? Or, how is it that the individual branches are unable to use separate applications and software to help them monitor their departments? By using a courier booking system, all these issues can be resolved.
Benefits of Courier delivery management system
Streamline delivery operations
Some courier companies are already using online booking systems to automate some of their functions. What happens is that a client uses their details such as name and address to log on to an online website of a courier company. From there, they can manage their order status and even place an order online.
This helps to streamline operations, which results in increased productivity and profitability for the courier company. The end result will be that customers will tend to receive better service from courier companies, which means the company will get more satisfied employees.
Easy to place the order online
Another example of a software solution is one that allows you to place orders and log on to the website of a Grocery store. When placing your order, you enter your details and the system then matches it with the details entered by the customer. If everything is okay, the order will then be immediately placed into Grocery's inventory system. From there, the order will then be handled by the staff and will be dispatched directly to the groceries themselves. This will again cut down on lost sales and it also means that the customer will not have to contact each of the stores in order to place an order.
What if you are working out of your own home and are looking to make some deliveries?
Well, what if you were able to log on to the website of a courier company in your local area? By using your personal details, such as your name and address, it is possible to place your orders online. However, it will not just be your personal details that were recorded, it will also be the details of any other individual who will be going to share space with you. In this case, It could be possible that they may not be aware of this kind of online booking system and could inadvertently void your courier insurance or delivery contract.
Increased productivity and profitability
For those people, such as couriers, who run multiple courier operations out of their homes, an online booking system is invaluable. Most of these systems have the ability to link up to a dedicated local or regional courier company and will allow you to place orders for courier services. Some will even allow you to set up direct debits and deliveries. The beauty of this is that you can make a delivery as soon as you realize that it is required. That way you never risk forgetting an order, which could have serious consequences on the delivery time of the product.
The great news for customers too is that a lot of these systems are now available on the web. With a simple Google search, it is certainly possible to find a courier booking system available to suit your needs. Not all courier companies offer online booking systems. In fact, many courier companies actually discourage their customers from making such purchases online. However, there are plenty of reputable and established courier companies which understand that customers can make online purchases and which therefore don't try and stop them.
Real-time tracking
You can use a courier booking system to make all kinds of notes. For example, if you need to track your outgoing orders and see when they were placed, you can use this system to do just that. If you want to keep track of your inbound orders and what is going out, then you can also do that with a system like this. What's more, is that you can set up alerts so that you are always aware of any deliveries which require to be made and delivered within a certain time frame.
Posted: 23 Apr 2021

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Santosh Pawar is a Digital Marketing expert at Deliforce pvt ltd which is known for developing top-notch Last Mile Delivery Management Software.
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