Real vs Fake Friend

I have already written many articles about friendship and good friends, this one is a little bit different. I’m going to compare the qualities of a real friend and a fake friend.

There is no doubt in the phrase that “Friendship is beautiful” but is it true for all the friends we make? Can all the friends are the good ones? Can friends be mean? Can friends make us sad? Can friends break our hearts too? Can friends leave us in a time of need? Can friends be willing to help all the time? Can friends ruin us? These are some common questions that come to mind of almost every person who is going to start a friendship or who are in the relation of friendship with someone.

Well, definitely, yes. Friendship is possible only for the sake of meaning. Friends can make us sad and break our hearts too. Let me add one most important thing here is “All of the above is true only for fake or so-called friends not for real, true, and good friends.”

A fake friend is the one whose every action will be fake for you i.e. fake concern, fake love, fake care, and fake friendship, that type of person will do the things for just showing off and for just pretending. No one can know before friendship that they are befriending a real person or a fake person. No one can be 100% sure about the nature and qualities of a person but some signs can make someone realize that the friendship with a specific person is fake or real. I’ll now discuss some points that might help to identify real and fake friends.

  • A real friend will always support you but the fake one will never be by your side.
  • A real friend will talk good about you and will praise you in front of others while a fake friend will talk bad about you in front of others.
  • A real friend will point out your mistakes on your face and will try to correct them but the fake friend will always praise you in front of you and will point out your mistakes and deficiencies in front of others.
  • A real friend will help you whenever needed while a fake friend will only come to you when he need help from you.
  • A real friend will never leave you alone in your hard times but the fake one will never be with you and will leave you alone in your hard time.
  • A real friend will always forgive you for your mistakes even when you really screwed up but in a friendship with a fake friend, your small mistake could end the friendship.
  • A real friend will find the reasons to be with you while a fake friend will find the reasons to leave you if you are of no use to them.
  • A real friend will always keep your secrets to them but a fake friend will tell your secrets to everyone.
  • A real friend will listen to your problems, will provide you a shoulder to cry on, will try to solve your problems, and will make you happy but a fake friend will try to change the topic and will not care about you being sad.
  • A real friend will laugh with you at your silly jokes but the fake one will soon get irritated by your silly jokes and talks.
  • Whenever you fall in public, your real friend will lift you up by his hand but the fake one will first laugh at you, will make fun of you in front of others, and then help you stand up again.
  • A real friend will be with you in your time of need but a fake friend will only be with you in his time of need.
  • A real friend will do whatever he can if you asked for some work while a fake friend will tell you many excuses for not doing that work.
  • A real friend will get happy with your achievements and will celebrate your success with you but the fake one will get jealous of your achievements.

You have to look very carefully for identifying; I hope these points will help you identify who is a real friend and who is a fake friend.

Posted: 26 Jan 2021

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Joined in Nov 2020

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Noice thoughts
() (1364 days, 20 hours, 11 minutes ago)


shukran :D
() (1364 days, 19 hours, 54 minutes ago)


() (1364 days, 19 hours, 32 minutes ago)


He Wallah
() (1364 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes ago)


() (1364 days, 17 hours, 43 minutes ago)


Yass, try to avoid snakes.😑
() (1338 days, 10 hours, 39 minutes ago)


Aneeza yess :/
() (1338 days, 10 hours, 8 minutes ago)