How to Make a Bootable USB Drive?
A lot of people don’t know how to make Bootable USB Drive. Today I’m going to tell you the easiest method to create a bootable USB. I always use the latest version of Rufus to create bootable Flash Drive because it supports both (GPT & MBR) hard drive types which mean that we can make bootable USB according to our Hardware Type. You will need Rufus and Windows ISO File for creating the Bootable USB.
(Posted 05 Sep 2021 By Misbah )
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Amazon added Pakistan to it's Approved Seller List
Pakistan has finally been added to the Approved Seller’s List of Amazon. Abdul Razak Dawood, Advisor to PM of Pakistan for Investment and Commerce, announced on Thursday, 06 May 2021 that Pakistan will be in the approved Seller’s List of Amazon within few days. He also said that this major milestone is a very big opportunity and is very useful for the youth of Pakistan, businesswomen of Pakistan, and Small and Medium...
(Posted 06 May 2021 By Misbah )
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NASA makes History with Successfull Flight on MARS
After more than 6 years of Development and a long flight to MARS, NASA has successfully launched and landed their Helicopter, called Ingenuity, on MARS. This helicopter used Atmospheric lift for flying on MARS because the atmosphere on MARS is one percent the density of the Atmosphere on Earth. NASA landed their Ingenuity drone on MARS on 19 April 2021. It was their first controlled and powered drone that they have l...
(Posted 20 Apr 2021 By Misbah )
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Pakistani Rupee becomes World's Best Currency
Here is good news for all the Pakistanis the Pakistani Rupee has become the World’s Best Currency of 2021. It has become the best performer currency of the world because it strengthened and ranked highest against the US Dollar in the first three months (January, February, and March) of 2021. Mr. Muzammil Aslam, the CEO of Tangent Capital Advisers, tweeted about Pakistani Rupee being on top performer currencies. He me...
(Posted 02 Apr 2021 By Misbah )
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How to Find Happiness?
The question is How to find Happiness? Before going into a detailed explanation about this, tell me one thing, can we really find happiness? I think not really, we can't actually find it; it's not the thing that could be found. It’s not the thing that you wake up one day having. Now you might think that if you can't find happiness then how could one stay happy? Simply, by creating it. You need to create happiness fo...
(Posted 29 Mar 2021 By Misbah )
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Let them Walk Away
"If somebody can walk away from your life, let them walk away. You should not have to convince anybody to love you. If they can walk, let them go, if they leave you, it means they are not attached to your future." This is what you should do; you should let the person walk away who doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you or who doesn’t give respect to you. Everyone has relationships; you are all related or linke...
(Posted 24 Feb 2021 By Misbah )
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Be Somebody
We get used to things or people very quickly that life seems incomplete without them. We want someone to be with us all the time. We want someone to help us in everything; we want to have someone who never leaves us alone no matter what, we want a person by our side, we want him to help us in making our decisions, we want him to help us in everything we do, we don’t want to live our life on our own.
(Posted 18 Feb 2021 By Misbah )
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10 Ways to Impress your Special One
10 main ways that can help you in impressing someone special
(Posted 16 Feb 2021 By Misbah )
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Can One Person Make a Difference?
What a person can do in our life? What could be the effect of a person on our mind and mood? Can one person make a difference?
(Posted 15 Feb 2021 By Misbah )
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Accept the change and live a life of realities, not lies.
(Posted 04 Feb 2021 By Misbah )
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(Posted 02 Feb 2021 By Misbah )
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Lord's Favors
We, the Humans, were sent to this world with many blessings. GOD has made us. He who is the Lord of the East and the West.
(Posted 29 Jan 2021 By Misbah )
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Real vs Fake Friend
Some points that might help to identify real and fake friends.
(Posted 26 Jan 2021 By Misbah )
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People LOVE and they LEAVE
We want a love that consumes us, we want to be in a healthy relationship with that person, and above all, we want that relationship to last for eternity. But is this possible?
(Posted 21 Jan 2021 By Misbah )
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Every one of us is stuck between HOLDING ON and LETTING GO.
(Posted 14 Jan 2021 By Misbah )
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End the Pain of a BREAKUP & Heal Yourself!!
Accept that it’s time to “Move on” in your life. Leave everything behind and just Move on.
(Posted 10 Jan 2021 By Misbah )
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How to Control your Anger?
Anger takes away our ability to think and understand which can make us a bad human so don’t let it take control over you. Control your anger before it controls you.
(Posted 08 Jan 2021 By Misbah )
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Think Before you Speak!!
Thinking before speaking will help in building your personality, in building a strong relationship with others, and you would not have to regret it later.
(Posted 06 Jan 2021 By Misbah )
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