Shafqat Mehmood's Press Conference about REOPENING of Education Institutions

The education minister of Pakistan, Shafqat Mehmood addressed a press conference today in Islamabad in which he talked about the reopening of education institutions.  He presented a revised schedule of reopening of institutions. He announced that the institutions will open on 18 January 2021 for class 9th to class 12th. This decision had already been made in which it was decided that classes will start again in different phases but still rumors were circulating that this would not happen. Because a few days ago, Shafqat Mehmood had said that he will think again about his decision, will reconsider the situations of the country, and then a confirmed decision will be taken on 15 January 2021.  One change has been made in today’s announcement and that is about reopening of institutions for class 1st to 8th. On 4 January 2021, Shafqat Mehmood announced that the students of class 1st to 8th will attend their schools from 25 January 2021, but in today’s press conference, he announced that these classes will reopen on 1st February 2021.

He held this press conference after his meeting with National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC).  The provincial as well as federal education and health ministers also attended this meeting. In this meeting, they re-measured the situation in the country due to the Virus. Schools and colleges were closed for the safety of students and teachers because of the more dangerous layer of the Virus.  

This virus came to Pakistan last year and affected many lives, studies, and jobs of many persons. Many people became unemployed. Last year, education ministers announced to take online classes for students so that this situation does not affect the studies too much but later on by reviewing the situations of the country, they decided to promote the students without final papers, because of this decision, all the students were promoted to the next class. The classes for the next grades were also held online. But now Shafqat Mehmood announced that this year the students will not be promoted to the next class without examinations so he decided that on-campus studies will resume again.

Other than schools and colleges, in this conference, he also announced about reopening of Universities. He said that the universities will resume their studies from 1st February 2021. He said that education is suffering a lot of losses from last year but not anymore. He highlighted that people have to take care of their selves and also said that the government also has to do this.

The federal minister also gave his speech about health and studies. He said that “Health is above all, no one can compromise on health but education can also not be ignored. So everything will be taken care of and then the final decision will be made.”

In this meeting, the ministers also presented a new schedule of the board examinations of class 9th to 12th. The board examinations have been postponed to give some extra time to students so that they can perform well in their examinations. First, they were scheduled to be taken from March to April 2021 but now it will be taken from May to June 2021. Shafqat Mehmood tweeted in two parts, first part is about classes 9th to 12th and the board exams:

and it's second part is about institutions other than class 9th to 12th:

Posted: 15 Jan 2021

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Oh yeahh, bht acha decision :D
() (1515 days, 4 minutes ago)