Tips for Long-Lasting Friendship


Hey followers, I’m back with another article about friendship. We can have many friends, some are just friends & some are our close friends whom we call our best friends. Best friends are like gifts to us, that’s why we want friendship with our best friends to last for longer period, but it can be difficult to have one supporting friend in your ups and downs. We have to make some efforts for a long-lasting friendship. Some commons tips for long-term friendship are:

Support Each Other:

Provide mental support to your friend. You need to be supportive so that he/she can feel comfortable while sharing things with you. Listen to your friend and be there for him in his needs.

Don’t Bind:

Try not to bind your friends to you and you only. Provide the required space to your friend so that he can feel free to tell you everything or every change that happens in their life. If you bind your friend, your friend can feel suffocation while being in a friendship with you which is not good for a long-term friendship.

Don’t Be Jealous:

Jealousy is one of the factors that can break any relation within no time. It’s the feeling of insecurity & fear. For maintaining your friendship for longer span of time, you need to uproot jealousy from your mind. Don’t get jealous of the new friends of your friend. When you feel insecure about the new friends of your friend, you fear that they will steal your friend from you that leads to jealousy which is not good for a healthy long-lasting friendship. Have faith that your true friend will not replace you with any other friend without any reason.

Be Understanding:

Understand your friend when he/she is having a terrible time. When your friend is going through a difficult time, he could talk to you in the wrong way. In this situation, instead of understanding your friend, you get angry because of the wrong behavior and start fighting with him/her which could be dangerous for friendship. The wrong behavior of your friend doesn’t mean that you are not important to him/her anymore, it’s because he wants you to understand him & support him in that breakdown of your friend. Understanding each other is very necessary for every relationship to workout. If you can’t understand your friend, then sorry to say you don’t deserve to be with him/her.

Resolve Fights:

Fighting with friends is not a big deal but not resolving the fight is. It can ruin your strong bond with your friend. Fighting is common in every relation. Sometimes, small fights can make a relationship stronger than before & sometimes even small fights; if not resolved; could break a long-lasting friendship within seconds. Sometimes, after fights, one does not try to talk first because of ego & he/she wants the other one to step forward first, which is not good for a long friendship because the ego can easily kill a relationship. Long Friendship requires selflessness. So try to resolve fights with your friends without making it the issue of ego.

Build & Keep Trust:

As I have mentioned in my previous article about friendship (“ What is Friendship & How to be a good friend?”) that trust is the most important thing in friendship, so try to build a strong bond of trust. Not only build trust but also don’t let this trust to be broken i.e. if your friend has trusted you with something then keep it to yourself & don’t let any other person be the part of that secret.

If you follow these tips I’ve discussed, then you can have a friend for a long period who will be your Best Friend Forever (BFF).


Posted: 18 Dec 2020

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Joined in Nov 2020

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Good job 👍
() (1542 days, 14 hours, 20 minutes ago)


() (1542 days, 14 hours, 17 minutes ago)


Thank you.
() (1542 days, 13 hours, 41 minutes ago)


() (1542 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes ago)


nice post dear :P
() (1541 days, 20 hours, 35 minutes ago)


very Very Nice Post deer
() (1538 days, 1 hour, 31 minutes ago)


Aap mere sath Long-Lasting Friendship karo g???
() (1538 days, 1 hour, 25 minutes ago)


Husnain Abbas nahi bilkul nahi
() (1538 days, 58 minutes ago)


Boss me ne apko bola kia hai :/
() (1536 days, 23 hours, 33 minutes ago)