Women's Role In Pakistan

Once Harriet B. Stowe said,” Women are the real architect of society.” The role of women is significant and worth-mentioning since the creation of the world. But, unfortunately, it was undisclosed. The birth of a girl was considered a “stigma”. They were victimized by stereotypical ideas and violence. In short, the condition of women was pathetic. But after the revolution in 1975-1985, the circumstances changed at manifolds. Women’s roles in all areas of life were started to acknowledge. The labor power of women increased. They started to stand along with men in every field of life.

Her role as a mother is considered a “key” role in the development of society. Along with this, her role as a sister, wife, friend as well as working woman is also appreciated. Pakistan is also among those countries that have always stood for women’s empowerment. The legislation and laws that are interpreted by our constitution prove that Pakistan is a custodian of women’s rights. Along with economic development, the Government of Pakistan is also working for women’s rights.

Women’s Role In Pakistan

Women have played a very important role in the development of Pakistan since its inception. But in fact, their role is also remarkable in the creation of Pakistan. The Freedom Movement of the Muslims of the Subcontinent was strengthened by both males and females. Fatima Jinnah, Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan, and Begum Shahnawaz are some prominent personalities. Even after the inception, the soil of Pakistan also gave birth to idiomatic personalities among women. These women not only made our country proud but also reflect the social equality offered by our society.

Some of them are Arfa Karim: Youngest Microsoft Certified Professional, Samina Baig: The first Pakistani woman to climb Mount Everest and Seven Summit, Marium Mukhtiar: First Female Pakistani Fighter pilot to embrace martyrdom, Malala Yousafzai: Pakistani activist for women’s education and the youngest Nobel Prize eminent. Benazir Bhutto: First Female Prime Minister of the entire Islamic World. And the list goes on…

Until now, around 84 Pakistani women are a part of the “Peace-Mission” of the UNO. The peculiar role of our women is also praised by the UNO Secretary as well. Besides, the working women, as well as housewife roles, also call for appreciation as, without them, we are incomplete. The Bottom Line All around the world, every single role of women is praised. The door of opportunities is now wide open for them. Women are utilizing such opportunities and are engaged in making their nation proud.

Especially in this Pandemic, the women’s role as a health worker is worth-mentioning. In order to commemorate the distinguishable role of women, every year, on 8th March, International Women Day is celebrated. But unfortunately, still, women in some areas are victimized by domestic abuse and stereotype ideas. Being a nation or Being a human being, it is our utmost duty to raise the voice of oppressed women. Fight for their right and help them to achieve equality in society. Because there is a saying,

“Women hold up half of the sky.”

In the End, Happy Women's Day to all the Women here.

Posted: 08 Mar 2021

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Exactly, Women serves a major role in Society, Happy Women's Day :)
() (1462 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes ago)


وجودِزن سے ہے کائنات میں رنگ۔۔
() (1458 days, 23 hours, 34 minutes ago)


And one more thing. Human rights, equal rights and women rights; all such movements and slogans are mere myths and nothing else. Each one of us whether he/she is poor or rich, middle class or worker, black or white—we all have to fight for our survival and at the end finish. And everyday is a women’s day. Don’t claim for a day only if so then the rest 364 days are ours, I means belong to men. 😆😂
() (1458 days, 23 hours, 26 minutes ago)