You can be “YOU” With Some Effort on the Right Time

TO my pathetic observation and limited knowledge, hard-work and consistency are the two things; you need to focus on, in the early years, when you eat and drink on your parents' money and you don’t even like to pay heed to the coming events in your life which could be sweet or, more likely, could be bitter realities and I am taking this side, harsh side, to jot these words down. So here are the only two remedies, in my opinion, for those who actually want to excel in this materialistic cosmos.

The Right Time To Do Hard-Work To Get Maximum Results:  

YOU need to work hard on learning some skills or to get an education or anything that can be beneficial for you during the latter half of your life that spans from 25 until your last breath but just one thing to remember which is; Do it on the right time to get topmost results and with this lead the rest of your life happily. If you are unsuccessful to earn a degree or any skill then you have to work like a daily wager or a dish-washer at some restaurant or a sweeper or a security guard or anything like that during the second phase of YOUR life. It’s entirely up to YOU and only YOU. As Carol Burnett says (with some modification):

“Only you can change your life. No one can do it for you.”

The Right Time To Take Right Decisions To Prevent Approaching Troubles:

The other thing on which I want to throw some light is vastly prominent and easily can be seen in this generation if you have a little knowledge on dynamics and patterns regarding futuristic aspects and that is you aren’t proactive or ready for any upcoming danger or trouble which is quite visible to you furthermore you don’t take any action beforehand to prevent yourself from this approaching misery. And, calmly wait for the calamity by putting one hand on the other. Come on, lad. Be PROACTIVE. Life has become a race in this materialistic and capitalistic age and if you aren’t active 24/7 and 365 days; your scope is limited and people wouldn’t care about you whether you are dead or alive. Just try to raise your status as high as you can with honesty and trust in Almighty otherwise your own family would leave you is this planet which is less than a jigsaw puzzle. Believe me or not; only YOU can raise your status. As Akiroq Brost states:

“Are you prepared to put in the time and energy to create change in your life? Are you prepared to make and keep that commitment? If not you then who invests in yourself?”

All in all, there is only one way, in my accordance, to excel and that is by doing hard work with consistency plus on time before getting into practical life. The formula is so very simple if YOU are willing to understand during the first phase of your life. 

Posted: 06 Mar 2021

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Joined in Mar 2021

Humanist, freelancer, content writer, literary bird & learner. I'm passionate about freelance content writing and trying to improve it with every passing day.

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Exactly 👌🏻
() (1464 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes ago)