Humanist, freelancer, content writer, literary bird & learner. I'm passionate about freelance content writing and trying to improve it with every passing day.
If you are satisfied with your situation at any stage of your life then you are a happy man. This is my definition of happiness.
To understand the idea of happiness, I wish to write my understanding of unhappiness. Nowadays, unhappiness or depression is a disease because it kills people slowly and silently. Although we have made advancements in technological and medical fields, the mental and spiritual areas are e...
Whenever I walk around on the roads, especially, in metropolitan cities i.e. Lahore and similar ones; I always notice numerous “Unsolved questions”, “Unfulfilled desires” and “Disenchanted dreams” on the faces of masses, mainly working or middle-class people and these questions can’t be seen through naked eyes but you can see them if you have an empathetic heart, a foresighted mind and a little amount of humanity, wh...
TO my pathetic observation and limited knowledge, hard-work and consistency are the two things; you need to focus on, in the early years, when you eat and drink on your parent's money and you don’t even like to pay heed to the coming events in your life which could be sweet or, more likely, could be bitter realities and I am taking this side, harsh side, to jot these words down. So here are the only two remedies, in ...