Depression describes the feeling of loss, sadness, and anger. It also means the overthinking of everything in daily life situations. Ups and downs are a part of life. But when you are feeling sad regularly, then you are dealing with depression. It is a serious illness that not only affects your mind, also affects you physically. When you suffer from depression, then your immune system becomes weak, and you suffer from many other diseases.
According to the World Health Organization, around 264 million people suffer from depression. Many affected people take it easy and do not treat this illness. And at last, they suicide. Every year, around 8,00,000 people die due to suicide. Many students suicide just because they fail in school or college, and they fear facing their parents, family, and friends.
Causes of Depression
Many people feel depressed due to their physical illness. For example, if a person suffers from Corona Virus, and he isolated himself for 14 days, then there is a risk that he suffers from depression. Many people are depressed due to life changes. They do not handle their expressions or feelings and suffer from depression. There are many causes of depression. Some are as follows:
Physical or mental abuse can lead to depression. Mental abuse means that a person is criticizing by others and always called false names like “Idiot” and many more.
Family Background:
When depression runs into your family, then there are a lot of chances that you suffer from depression.
Death and Loss:
When people lose their loved ones, then there is a risk of depression.
Certain medicines can also increase the risk of depression, such as some medicines that are used to treat acne.
Personal conflicts and family or friends’ disputes can also cause depression.
Symptoms of Depression
The most common symptoms of depression are:
- Feeling Lost or guilty
- No interest in productive work
- Lack of sleep and appetizing
- Gain or Loss in weight
- Increases in tension and nervousness
- Feeling Worthless/Useless
- Looking to death
- Physical pain, fatigue
- Social Isolation
- Self-Harm
Treatment of Depression
Treatment of depression can help you to live a better life. Fortunately, depression is a curable disease. Depression is treated by many methods that are as follows:
When depression is on a low level, then you can handle the depression on your own. Try to exercise daily, avoid stress, take a proper healthy diet, sleep well, busy yourself with family and friends, share your thoughts with your close friend and any family member, be positive, and do productive work. It is explained in detail in the article How to treat depression on your own by Misbah.
When you cannot handle your depression, then visit your doctor and tell him about your situation. He can give you the medicine according to your mental health that reduces your depression. That medicine can give you mental relief in one or two weeks but after that, you have to change your medications after contacting your doctor.
Psychotherapy is a process to reduce depression by talking to a psychiatrist. You will know about your mental health, and also the solution to your problem. Psychotherapy is performed because of the addiction to drugs or smoking, mood disorders, and depression disorders.
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
When no other treatment is useful for the patient, then this therapy is used. In this process, a controlled electric current is passed through the brain when the patient is in anesthesia. This therapy affects the brain activity that reduces depression and gives relief to the patient.
Posted: 28 Dec 2020

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people need more education like this
(1531 days, 14 hours, 54 minutes ago)

Depression needs to be treated.
(1531 days, 14 hours, 35 minutes ago)

When I see out of windows, I only see darkness, even in bright sunlight. I am depressed. I feel like I am stranded on an island with no hope of survival. HELP ME PLEASE. HELP ME.
(1530 days, 20 hours, 48 minutes ago)

Misbah isko bandh k rakho, window say bahir chalag na mar day 😂😂😂
(1530 days, 20 hours, 6 minutes ago)

Hussnain wo ground floor pe hota .. chalan mar v de te khair ay 😂😂
(1530 days, 20 hours, 4 minutes ago)

Ye jo tum Muskra rhy ho....konsa gham hai jo chupa rhy ho?
(1530 days, 20 hours, 3 minutes ago)

(1530 days, 20 hours, 2 minutes ago)

Yeh tu very nice post hai <3 <3 <3
(1529 days, 1 hour, 8 minutes ago)